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After joining the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse in Paris at the age of 14, I began a career as a classical and contemporary dancer. It is in this context that I worked at the Opéra de Wallonie (Belgium), Ballet du Nord, Ballet de Bonn (Germany) and at the Opéra de Nice...

This passion for dance also led me to the Ballet National de Marseille where I had the chance to be directed by the choreographer Roland Petit. I also had the opportunity to travel around the world to give numerous performances with, as a highlight, a tour of the United States with the Ballet de France.

Dance teacher at the Jeune Ballet Théâtre d'Antibes at 29 years old then creator of a cabaret revue in Nice "Cabarocco", I then turned to other paths. It was not a question of breaking away from dance, but of broadening its horizons.

I thus devoted several years to the creation and representation of “pictorial dances”. On the border between dance and painting, this plural art invites us to deconstruct the notion of scene to project it onto the canvas.

In the vein of the experience of Yves Klein who coated the bodies of his models with paint to make them "living brushes", I transformed my dancer's body as such to introduce the choreographed movement on the canvas. These performances were then enriched by theater and “sculpture in space” as well as the production, with Coskun Fikir, of the video clip “Action Painting Dance”.

It is in this perspective of crossing the boundaries between the arts to achieve an original artistic mixture that this project was part. I then set up the company "Multi-artis", designed from the beginning as a place for meetings and exchanges of artists between painting, sculpture, singing, music, theater, dance and any artistic form, whatever she be ...

At the age of 44, I began to become interested in the design and manufacture of cardboard furniture and papier-mâché creations .

It was after a first introductory course in 2009 that I followed a professional craftsman course in 2010, which allowed me to acquire a fairly advanced technique and mastery as well as an openness to new creative horizons...

To this day, I am always in constant search of evolution, both at the technical level and in terms of the materials I use, while always remaining in a spirit of Eco-Design...

Young Ballet Theater - Dance school
Ballet de France - Tournée USA
Imagina Competition
Northern Ballet
Ballet National de Marseille in Athens
Danse Picturale - Galerie ZA - Gorodka
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